partner with us?

a rural church plant

vision video

We hope the following video will be helpful as you consider partnering with our church - a church gathering in Bakewell (UK) for the people who live in and surround the Peak District National Park.

relational hope

Peak Trinity values genuine relationships with our partners. Therefore, we are looking for partners (individuals and churches) that will invest prayerfully, relationally as well as financially. We envisage our partnership will be a beautiful two-way relationship; a mutual blessing for His glory!

InvitAtion to give

Our small rural church plant is dependent on external support. Please would you consider giving regularly so that we can continue to meet at our local school, continue to effectively reach out to the lost (through our various ministries) and, indeed, sustain our commitment to employing Rob as our full time Pastor.

All the details can be found on our giving page:

why rural?

One of our members, Tim Chester, helpfully articulates the need for deliberate missional action into our rural communities:

“It’s often said we should focus our attention on cities because cities are centres of influence. The idea is that the gospel will then spread out to surrounding rural areas. And there maybe something in that. But we need to realise that the movement of the gospel to rural areas will not happen by accident. We need to be intentional. We need to plant churches in rural areas. In much of the area where I live people would have to drive at least half an hour to an evangelical church. Unbelievers are not going to do that! We need to take the gospel to them. And that means scattering areas like the Peak District with gospel communities. Our vision has got to be churches planted in market towns, supporting gospel communities in village after village.”

Why Bakewell & the Peak District?

Bakewell is home to one of the UK’s most important agricultural markets and has been made famous by it’s flaky pastry and moist almond and jam filled Bakewell puddings. Close to the stately homes of Chatsworth and Haddon Hall, Bakewell is easily identifiable as the focal town for the Peak District.

Despite it’s beautiful veneer, we are terribly burdened by the spiritual barrenness across the whole of the Peak District. It is our conservative estimate that significantly less than 1% of the Peak District population (38,000 people) attend an evangelical church or chapel. By planting in Bakewell, we hope to see the good news of Jesus impact the whole of the Peak District - and beyond!

Please reach out if you would like to further consider partnering with our rural church. Email